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Congratulating the Disbelievers on their Religious Festivals

Congratulating the disbelievers on Christmas or other religious holidays is haraam by consensus, as was mentioned by ibnul Qayyim رحمه الله in his book 'Ahkaam Ahlu-Dhimmah' where he said:

"As for congratulating (the disbelievers) on their specific religious rituals, then it is haraam by consensus, such as congratulating them on their festivals or due to their fasting, by saying the likes of:

'Have a blessed festival' or 'Congratulations for this festival' and (statements) like these.

In such cases, if the one who says it is safe from disbelief, then it is still from that which is haraam, and it is tantamount to congratulating them for their prostration to the cross. Rather, that is a greater sin with Allaah and a more severe repugnance than congratulating (a person) for drinking intoxicants, or murder, or committing adultery and its likes.

And many of those who do not hold the Religion with high regard fall into this, and do not know the hideousness of what they have done.

So, whoever congratulates a servant (of Allaah) for sins, innovation or disbelief, then he has exposed himself to the hatred and wrath of Allaah."

- Sheikh Uthaymeen Majmu Fataawa 3/45

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